I don't know about you guys, but I am JUMPING FOR JOY… cause its finally SPRING!!!!!!! I was really starting to doubt that it ever going to happen.
So now that it is actually warm enough to be outside, what are your plans today? Are you going to spend it outside? Or at the very least, in a light filled house with all the windows an doors open? I hope so, cause I think everyone needs to take the day to finally de-thaw and get out of the winter funk that we, or at least me, having been living in for that past 2 months.
My Sunday list of things to do.
- Wash the cat..and finally let him run free
- Pick up all the trash that has been blowing up my driveway
- Make bread
- Put air in bike tires…. Go for a bike ride
- Return and withdrawal a few books from library
- Clean off the outdoor tables and chairs and eat meals OUTSIDE!!!
So yeah, do a few somewhat productive things, but mostly just enjoy this shit out of this day!
And here is some internet stuff from the week that might be of interest to you.
-Hold The Mammal: Daring To Make Dairy-Free Cheese From Nuts. I am into this.
-Hell YES!!!! Golden Girl Legos… What's the hold up?
-Did you know about this? National Park Week!!! And if you can't make it this time, I am pretty sure that there is a noter free week later in the season.
-Hey, if a a coloring book is what you need to get creative, this one looks pretty cool. Fantastic Cities is an architecture-themed coloring book for adults
-I was very happy to hear about this. Lunch, Not Landfill: Nonprofit Rescues Produce Rejected At U.S. Border. I have experienced having all my fresh produce confiscated at the border. I was so pissed and the food the guy took was my lunch and dinner. I was starving and angry. (Not a good combination on me) So at least now that food can be put to good use.
And a few pics from the week.
Oh little little. I picked him up from school and all he wanted to do was cut out paper snowflakes. It then proceeded to snow 3 inches … I blamed him.
Snow covered world. I admit, very pretty, but I am hopping that this was it, that I won't see snow again unlit November.
A day with blue skies and amazing clouds
The most perfect little and the trash dog. These two spent a good hour fighting over sticks. It was fantastic.
And this salad. I have been eating it all week long. Pineapple and dill… So freaking good.
Have the best Spring filled Sunday!