Oh, it definitely was a long week. Did a lot of holiday stuff, watched a lot of littles( got peed on) got sick and lost my voice for a couple of days.(that was fun). All sorts of good stuff. But for real, I had a great week. Here are some bits.
Persimmons.,,,,,,,,,,,. Do I need to say more?
This new tea… I wasn't sure I was going to like it but oh do I. It's so freaking good, I have been drinking it every day. I must stock up before its gone!
Everything about getting our Christmas tree makes me happy. Every year, the mister, the dog, and I drive down to the rangers station,, get our tree tag , and hike into the Green Mountain National Forest to hunt for and cut down our Christmas tree. The tree is the thing for me. I don't want presents, no shopping, take the food, just the tree and I will be happy. Its our most fantastical tradition. We make is a whole day event. A nice drive, lunch, listening to Christmas music, lots of hot coffee, a long hike in the most beautiful place in the world. The perfect day. Look at how happy this guy is. Its hunting season and we forgot his bright colors so we improvised. Yellow trash bag ribbons. His new nickname is now Trash dog. It fits him.
Watching this little. She is an amazing human being and I love love love her.. I think she might be mine. She really likes soup..
My elf candle holders I got from CB2. I wanted them so bad for years and finally the last year they sold them I bought myself these guys. I heart them
Oh you like my new milk crate show bench? Its awesome,, one of the best uses of scrap wood and milk crate that I have ever done(Yes there has been other scape wood milk crate projects) Well you are in luck..I will show you how to made it.. watch for it next week!
I love old strainers. I kind of have a thing for them. This big guy is now in my collection. Bonus, green AND purple kale….
Hanging out with my sister. I haven't seen her for what seems like the past 4 months(she is in nursing school). This was her last day of classes so we cleaned her house, folded laundry while listening to music and I made her dinner.We wrapped up the night by mass texting our other sisters inappropriate pictures of the elf on the shelf. It got pretty crazy. It was such a great night. I love my sisters.
Hope you found some bits of happy this week, if not, your not doing it right.