Sunday Happy

IMG_8373Wowzers…Is it for real Memorial day weekend? Where has all the time gone? Let's talk about a week gone by fast. My brain is on complete overdrive and I am having a hard time keeping it from exploding…SO MUCH TO DO! (Not bad stuff, just a lot of stuff) But lo, that's life right? There is always a lots of "stuff" to do, but today I am going to try and let that stuff chill and maybe give myself a few hours of coffee, (so much coffee) reading a book in the sunshine, gardening, and just some overall chillin. 


And hopefully you party people out there will be able to do a little of the same, or at least the chillin part. It is a 3 day weekend after all (not for us, but whatever)

Some internet fun finds.

-Sleeping in a loft that I have to crawl to get to the bed… this  Gallery of Gorgeous Attic Bedrooms makes me so jealous..

-This new startup wants to sell you ugly fruit and veggies. I still don't get it, it's not ugly, its awesome.

-So cool and reminds me of my late brother in lawWet Fold Origami Technique Gives Wavy Personality to Paper Animals by Artist Hoang Tien Quyet

-Could this be my new home? And I love a good plant lady. BURSTING WITH PLANTS, A 1910 PORTLAND FOURSQUARE FOR A FLORIST AND BARISTA

-Its so weird how try this isGoing, Going, Gone: 30+ Items That Are Disappearing from Our Homes

-We are doing this is the humongus pot hole in front of our house(we want to anywayTreats in the Streets: Artist Jim Bachor Fills Potholes with Ice Cream Mosaics

-Holy shit is this the mister. 5 Conditions That Afflict the Reluctant Dishwasher. (1 and 2  really hit the nail)

A few photos from the weekIMG_8375-1Goodbye fiddleheads…. Hello ferns 

IMG_8333On our way to a geo catch…. And note clothing options for 2 in the afternoon. I am much fond of that little guy wearing a rain jacket without a shirt in when its sunny and 80 degrees. And a pink poke dot bath robe.. I mean, it's so the cool thing to do. 

IMG_8339We didn't find the geo, but we found this gigantic mushroom. Just as cool, maybe even cooler.

IMG_8347I love brick and there is one street in all of burlington (that I know of) that has brick sidewalks. I like to walk down it a lot. 

IMG_1263Nurse lady making food… I compare this to a big foot sighting. I have heard stories that she cooks,but have never actually witnessed it myself. (Just kidding….kinda)

Happy long weekend! (if you are lucky to have one!)


Make Yourself an Awesome Little Shelf

IMG_6543 The conversation I had with my little brother on his birthday...

Me- "Happy Birthday!"

Bro- "Thanks"

Me- "What do you want to do.. want to come over, I'll make you something, anything you want…donuts, cake, pizza…"

Bro- "Make me a shelf, I got like seven books for my birthday"

Me- "Um, ok… what are you thinking?"

Bro- "Something to hold like seven books"

Yup, he got "like seven" books and needed a shelf……. I guess I didn't realize that "like seven" was a unit of measurement. Man, I love my little brother,  but sometime I wonder about the kid. Anyway, Being that coolest big sister he's got (and coolest big brother in law who did most of the work), we went along and made him a  shelf. Hopefully it holds those "like seven books".

IMG_6419Here is the list of what you will need to make the exact shelf with the same measurements that we used…but feel free to use and adjust the measurements to your want or need.

  • 2 pieces of 1x8 common pine measuring 25 1/2 inches (sides)
  • 2 pieces of 1x8 common pine measuring 17 1/2 (top and bottom)
  • 1  piece od 1x8 common pine measuring 16 inches (middle shelf)
  • 2 pieces of 1x8  common pine measuring 4 inches (legs)
  • Wood glue
  • About 20 (having a few extra never hurt) 2 1/4 inch finishing screws


  • Drill
  • Either a circular saw or a chop box to cut the legs
  • Measuring tape
  • Speed Square or something to make a perfect straight line


The legs are the hardest part to make and really, it's so not hard. Take both 4" pieces of pine and cut in half ( each piece will end up being 3  5/8".. how is that you ask? Well here is some knowledge… 1x8  pine actually measures 7  1/2 "…. nuts right?) With each piece, measure an inch in on the bottom and side…Draw a vertical line to connect and  then cut the line. Repeat last step with the second piece you just cut, then repeat the whole processes with the second piece  of 4" pine. These words seem a little confusing, just look at the picture above, it has all the measurements on it too. In the end, you should end up with 4 legs.

IMG_6445Take one of the 17 1/2" pieces and with a straight edge, draw two lines form opposite corners to find dead center.  Measure 8" from center on each line, that is where the legs are going to be placed. Working with one leg at a time, add a smear of wood glue to each leg as you are about to screw it down. Place leg on mark and sink a screw about an inch up from the inside of the leg, screwing at a slight angle (see photo)..

Phew.. this is the most complicated part of the whole shelf so once you get the legs on… its all smooth sailing.


Flip bottom onto legs and sink a screw in (1 inch in on both sides) into each leg.

IMG_6468Now grab the top piece (17 1/2 ") piece and the two sides pieces (25 1/2"). Add a bit of wood glue to the side ends and line up top piece with the sides.  Sink 2 screws into each side. If you have another person helping, have them hold the pieces for you while you screw the top into the sides.. if not, use the bottom to rest a side against (like in picture). 

IMG_6483Now flip over and screw the bottom piece into the sides……


Take a minutre…. Look at what you have accomplished! You have a kick ass square with legs!

Now place the shelf. We went for just about center.. 12 1/2"  from the bottom. Mark the measurements on both sides and use a square edge to draw a line.

IMG_6515Place shelf on the lines (The wood should fit in tight, you might even have to bang it a bit to get it into place….but you want it to fit nice and snug.) Now screw the shelf…two screws on each side.


Flip onto legs and ……….TA DA!!!! So Fancy!

 You now have a shelf to shelf things.. Simple as that. And I tested it out…It holds more the "like seven" books. A success! 

Note…...If you are feeling like you need to, use a little wood putty to fill in the screw holes. You can sand it if you want. You might even want to stain or paint it. Up to you. The shelf is made and is yours to do what you will. Me, I like it just the way it is.

If anyone out there takes this little shelf project up.. let me know how it goes, maybe even send a picture…and feel free to ask any questions!

Have fun building awesomeness!


Bits of Happy

 I spent a lot of time indoors this week, due to the fact that my eyelids would freeze shut when going out for more than a few minute..(for real, walking to the gym the other day, I had my head tightly wrapped and the condensation from my breath went up, into my eyes, and froze.)  I mean, I love winter, I love the cold, but I am not a huge fan of -30 with wind chill… I get cold bones.  After that morning, the mister insisted on diving me…Love. So we (me, Nick, and especially Washer) might have felt a little trapped this week, and when trapped inside, we get a little antsy, but we have been trying to make the most of it. Cooking, baking, cleaning, drawing, reading, knitting, drinking lots of coffee and tea, and overall trying to stay warm (and sane) Yup. trying to ward of the cabin fever, especially this year, living in a little tiny bit of a room with one window..has been a little difficult. And I know it's going to be a bitch when it hits. But it's all cool, We have plans in the making, places to look forward to, things to see. It always helps to have an adventure awaiting to keep the fever at bay.

Anyway, not a bad week, maybe a little stuffy, but nothing to complain to much about. Here are a few of highlights that made(make) me happy.

IMG_6387The kitchen, living room, dinning room, office…all over great room., covered in piles of clothes. Sometimes listening to music and folding laundry can be so, I don't know, peaceful. I just felt happy at this moment. (might be the fact that I know have some clean clothes and dish cloths)


The trash dog and I went for a lovely little hike by ourselves…It was so nice to get out of the house. We both really really really needed it that day. And look how handsome he looks.. so red against the world. 

IMG_6865 Standing in line at the grocery store, saw this magazine and started to laugh. I love Oprah...but now…I really love Oprah. Best magazine cover ever!

IMG_6956Another picture of the pup. Letting his rino toy have the bed. A little pathetic…A lot cute

IMG_5755  I am doing little recipe testing and this situation in this pot is so freaking good! Just trying to work out a  few technical kinks. 


I love to look up… don't forget to look up.


I made a large quantity of banana dream (what I call banana ice cream). This stuff is like crack.. Once I start eating it, I can't stop. I might overdose on bananas but I am ok with that. 


I went to a granite and marble showroom this week. And like whoa, so freaking cool. Walking among huge pieces  of gorgeous slabs of stone is kind of magical… and a little cold.


A basket of roots….More like a basket of rainbows. 


I currently don't have a pretty vase of zinnias on my table, (these beauts are from this past summer) but I really wish I did. Fresh flowers are one of my favorite  things. This picture has inspired me, I am on the hunt for some pretty fresh. 

That sums up the week...Stay warm!
