Sunday Happy

IMG_0964What a week. Was it summer where you  are this week as well? I mean jeez, talk about one extreme to another. Oh well, at least the world has turned green, the winter stuff is completely out of sight and I found the box that contained all of my shorts and summery clothes (pants and long sleeves in 90 degrees is just gross)  And honestly, it's been great. In between work, chores and just plan old being busy, we have manage to get a few bike rides and long walks in. Plus all the veggie starts are doing great, the flowers are coming up everywhere and life just has a little bit more of a relaxed feeling. So what if my allergies are turning my face into big red puff or that the past few night have been so hot that the act of sitting has caused me to break a sweat. I'll take it.

Oh and I can't forget…. 

Happy Mother's Day ladies!!!!

Here I give you a few thing from the internet this week ...

- I didn't believe they were paintings at first. Hyper-realistic Cactus Paintings that Bristle with Detail by Kwang-Ho Lee

-I'll take any one of these The 5 Fanciest French Press Coffeemakers We Could Find

-Love love the floors in This house.

-Spending a bit of time making summer camping plans here...Vermont State Parks. I can't wait to get the tent out!

 -I think this should be happening everywhere. Recycled Drinking Water: Getting Past the Yuck Factor

- And there is thisABC Brings Muppets Back To Prime Time As News Emerges About Fall Shows

And that, here are a few pictures from the week.

IMG_0944 My boys. I long socks and sneakers… these guys know cool. IMG_0951Took the super cutie cuties out for an ice cream cone.IMG_8217Our first bike ride picnic down on the waterfront. I love bike ride picnics!IMG_8240-1So many succulents. I didn't actually buy any because I need to stop being a plant whore.IMG_0614I have made a batch of this stuff evey day this week. I can't stop eating it, it's like eating summer. So good

Have a wonderful day and to all that it applies to...

Happy Moms Day!


Sunday Happy

IMG_0296It's been a long, packed, but very fantastic week. Everyday has been full of work, chores, family, and trying to get in a least one good bike ride or walk in.  I made a list of a few important points to mention from the past week.

  • Spring is real, not an imagined season in my head. (HOORAY!!!!). 
  • Banana ice cream is everyones favorite snack
  • Planting things from seed and watching them grow is magic
  • Riding a bike with kinda flat tires really sucks
  • The little people in my family are the best most fantastic humans
  • Don't tell a 2 year that ants will bite her or you will end up caring that child around everywhere because she is afraid to walk outside (Anyone know  good therapist for a 2 year old?)

Anyways, I am hoping to take it easy today, catch up on my coffee consumption, do a bit of gardening, reading, bike riding, all without pressure or expectations. Everyone should have a day for no expectations.

Some fun internet stuff from the week.

-I need an RV or camper. THE BRAVE // vintage rv renovation inspiration

-Who cares if not everyone is pleased, I would be if my lunch bags looked like this. These Parents Make Lovely Lunch Bag Art. Not Everyone Is Pleased

-So lovely. Urban Jewelry: New Lace Street Art by NeSpoon

-Alternative energy Woo Hoo!  Tesla's Powerwall Home Battery Wants to Make Fossil Fuels Obsolete

-I am really excited to make this… I have a feeling that I will be incorporating it into many of my recipes. ChefSteps' Genius Roasted Onion Cream

-Another house that I could get down with. 

And a few pictures….

IMG_0194The mister and the worlds biggest crayon, which is made of scraps of blue crayons from all over the world. I could totally use a big ass crayon like this.IMG_0336The coolest most badass 95 year old lady that I know (I know a few), Grammy Stem. And the little, getting a lift. (I could have used a lift too!)IMG_0339Brothers. The guy in the green is my Dad.IMG_8209Aftre dinner ice cream break.IMG_0344The sky has been on point all week longIMG_0152And made myself some veggie chips. The colors alone are delicious.

Have a great day!
