Sunday Happy

IMG_0964What a week. Was it summer where you  are this week as well? I mean jeez, talk about one extreme to another. Oh well, at least the world has turned green, the winter stuff is completely out of sight and I found the box that contained all of my shorts and summery clothes (pants and long sleeves in 90 degrees is just gross)  And honestly, it's been great. In between work, chores and just plan old being busy, we have manage to get a few bike rides and long walks in. Plus all the veggie starts are doing great, the flowers are coming up everywhere and life just has a little bit more of a relaxed feeling. So what if my allergies are turning my face into big red puff or that the past few night have been so hot that the act of sitting has caused me to break a sweat. I'll take it.

Oh and I can't forget…. 

Happy Mother's Day ladies!!!!

Here I give you a few thing from the internet this week ...

- I didn't believe they were paintings at first. Hyper-realistic Cactus Paintings that Bristle with Detail by Kwang-Ho Lee

-I'll take any one of these The 5 Fanciest French Press Coffeemakers We Could Find

-Love love the floors in This house.

-Spending a bit of time making summer camping plans here...Vermont State Parks. I can't wait to get the tent out!

 -I think this should be happening everywhere. Recycled Drinking Water: Getting Past the Yuck Factor

- And there is thisABC Brings Muppets Back To Prime Time As News Emerges About Fall Shows

And that, here are a few pictures from the week.

IMG_0944 My boys. I long socks and sneakers… these guys know cool. IMG_0951Took the super cutie cuties out for an ice cream cone.IMG_8217Our first bike ride picnic down on the waterfront. I love bike ride picnics!IMG_8240-1So many succulents. I didn't actually buy any because I need to stop being a plant whore.IMG_0614I have made a batch of this stuff evey day this week. I can't stop eating it, it's like eating summer. So good

Have a wonderful day and to all that it applies to...

Happy Moms Day!


Happy Birthday Strawberry Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

IMG_3433     IMG_3400IMG_3402 My Moms birthday was this past week, and naturally, I made the cake for our big family birthday gathering. (and I bought and made dinner and cleaned everything up, although the mister did do all the dinner dishes) Word to my sisters… You guys suck! (but I still love you)

Every year my mom asks for the same cake. Strawberry with Lemon frosting. Then a few years ago, other people in the family started asking for the same one. Now there is a weird strawberry cake thing going on between some of my family members. They have taken claim of the strawberry cake and don't want me to make it for anyone else but them. They think that because I make them this awesome cake that they are somehow special. Well guess what people.. Your only special for one day, then you go back to being normal.

I have a family full of a bunch of weirdoes.

Anyways, My mom said she wanted the usual strawberry cake, but as cup cakes, or actually she asked me to make the little square cakes. I was kind of confused when she said square cakes because well, what the hell was she talking about? But then I remembered that a long time ago I use to have a square cupcake pan. (I lost in somehow) So no, I couldn't make the cakes square, but I sure could make them cute. And cute as hell is what I did.

IMG_3120Cake Stuff. Flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt whisked together in a bowl. Butter, a little oil, vanilla, eggs and buttermilk. Then of course we have strawberries cause it wouldn't be a strawberry cake with out them.IMG_3135First things first. Wash, trim and dice up the strawberries. Stick them into a pot and sprinkle with a few tablespoons of sugar. Heat on low and let the strawberries cook for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until they turn into a thick syrup. IMG_3144The sugar and the butter get beaten together until light and fluffy. Then goes in the oil, eggs, and vanilla. The milk is then added to the strawberry mixture. Add half the dry mixture to the wet, mix, then mix in half the strawberry mixture to that. Mix the rest of the dry in and finish off with the strawberry mixture.

Pour batter into well greased and parchment lined baking sheet (or pans).  Stick cake into preheated oven for about 35 minutes, rotating cakes after 15 minutes. Cake is done when it starts turning a light gold brown and a cake tester stuck in the middle comes out clean. IMG_3178Cake gets pulled from the oven and set on a rack to cool.

I actually wrapped the cake when it was cool enough and stuck outside for a few hours. It didn't completely freeze, but it was close. Frozen cake is easier to cut then soft non frozen cake. No necessary, but if you have the time…. 

While the cake is cooling, make the frosting.  Powdered Sugar, a stick of butter, cream cheese, lemon zest, lemon juice, and vanilla get mixed together until it turns into a big bowl of thick lemony frosting. IMG_3362Tomato can cutout. (I couldn't find my biscuit cutters)  A biscuit or cookie cutter would probably work a little better.. The cakes kept getting stuck in the can. IMG_3382Frost the cake!! Place frosting into a piping bag or a big plastic zip lock with the tip cut off.  2 rounds to a cake. A squeeze of frosting goes on one, topped with another and given a little smoosh. A nice big dollop of frosting on top then….IMG_3400 Sprinkles!!!!  Or sliced  strawberries (my mom doesn't like sprinkles..I know)


So freaking cute. I don't know if I can make a normal cake again.

Mom gets the bigger 3 tiered cake.. and a few more of the little ones. 



Strawberry Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

makes 16 two tiers cupcakes or can be made in three 8 inch cake pans

The Cake

  • 3 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1/2 Cup or  one Stick Soften Butter
  • 1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 Cup milk
  • 1 Cup Sugar plus 2 Tablespoons
  • 1 lb Fresh Strawberries (Can use Frozen, just let them thaw )

The Frosting

  • 4 1/2 Cups Powdered Sugar
  • 1 Stick Soften Butter
  • 4 oz Cream Cheese (Half a block)
  • Zest of a Lemon
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 375

Grease a parchment lined  13x18 high rimmed baking sheet and dust with flour. If you baking sheet isn't as big as mine, use whatever size you have and make a few cupcakes on the side. Or make one , 3 tiered  cake with 8 inch cake pans.  I trust that you can find a way to bake all this cake batter.

Wash, trim and dice strawberries. Toss them in a medium sauce pan and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Place on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes  until  strawberries break down and turn into a thick syrup. Take of heat and let cool.

Combine flour, salt, baking powder and soda in a bowl and whisk together, In another large bowl, add butter and sugar together and beat on medium until light and fluffy. Add in oil, vanilla and eggs. Beat together. Now add the milk to the  strawberries and mix together. Beat in half the dry into the wet, add in half the strawberry mixture, then the rest of the dry, and finish off with the rest of the strawberry mixture. 

Pour batter into prepare baking sheet (or pans) and place in oven. Check cake after about 15 minutes and rotate to help insure an even bake. Bake for another 15- 20 minutes, or until cake  starts to turn golden brown and a tester (toothpick) comes out clean.  

Remove from oven and let completely cool.  (Not necessary, but once cake is cooled , wrap with plastic wrap and stick cake into the freezer of a little while before cutting the circles.. its makes it a little easier)

While cake is cooling, make the frosting. Place all ingredients in a big bowl and beat together until a nice soft but sturdy frosting forms.  If. you frosting seems to thick add in a  splash of milk. To thin.. add a little more sugar. 

When the cake is cooled, get to it. With you cookie or biscuit cuter dipped in powdered sugar, cut as many circles as you can. 

Fun Time!! Frost the cakes. Place frosting into a pastry bag, or like me, a large zip lock bag with the tip cut off. Partner up all the cake rounds and go through and give one of each of the pairs a good dollop of frosting. Top with the remaining cake, give it a lithe smooshto make sure they stick, and squeeze a nice dollop of frosting on top. Finish off with sliced strawberries and lots of sprinkles.

Sing Happy Birthday and eat!

Pickled Heart Beets and Celeriac

IMG_9301 IMG_9442    IMG_9468

Because I love beets, I love celeriac and I love to pickle things…. And I love hearts. And Valentines Day is just around the corner so I though it appropriate to share these little darlings with you because even if you are not a fan of pickled beets or celeriac, you have to admit that these are just the cutest pickles you have ever seen. I have made a batch, sitting in the fridge, awaiting some sweet little dinner date that me and the mister will have come Valentines day. Or not, we might just eat them all before hand… because everyday is like Valentines day for us! (blah, barf, but awe, we are so cute!)





This is my basic pickling recipe….I figured you will want to pickle everything and anything once you realize (if you haven't already) how amazing pickled everything is! And how easy it is to do it yourself.

My Pickling method…...

  1. Choose the jar that the pickles will live in
  2. Prepare and pack the stuff  that is going to be pickled into the jar… leave about and inch of head space
  3. Fill the jar to the top with a half water and half vinegar solution (I usually use apple cider vinegar because I think it adds a bit of sweetness.. I don't like to pickle with sugar)
  4. If going for a crispy pickle (like green beans or crunchy carrots)…. strain liquid into a pot with a teaspoon of salt per cup of liquid and any spices* that you want to use and bring to a boil  Add back to jar
  5. If going for a more tender pickle (like beets or celeriac), dump the liquid and the veggies into a pot with a teaspoon of salt per cup of liquid and any spices* you want to use. Bring to a boil for a few minutes, then remove and replace back into jar.
  6. Place lid and stick in fridge for at least a day….(I alway cheat and end up taking a bite within the first few hours) The flavor only gets better after being in the fridge for a couple of days.

*You can spice your pickles anyway you see fit…. I like to use peppercorns, garlic, mustard seeds, celery seeds red pepper flakes. Or for a little sweeter and more fragrant pickle, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods or star anise…the possibilities are endless.

Pickles are usually good for about a month, but I have never been able to keep them that long!

A little about these specific pickles…...

I used one medium celeriac root, and 2 small beets. Sliced about a 1/4 inch thick and then used a cookie cutter to make the hearts.  The chosen vinegar was apple cider, and yeah ,you must pickle both the inner and outer hearts….don't waste the outer heart! And the spices I used were black mustard seed and peppercorns. 

And they be amazing!!!!

Have a Fantastic Weekend!! Hopefully full of  warm weather, fluffy clouds, and lots of pickles!


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