Being that its Thanksgiving this week (YIKES!!!) and I am getting those holiday feelings like love and thankfulness, and blah blah blah…(Not to mention the stress and frustration) I want to stop and share with you some things that I love..Little bits of my happiness.
CATSUP and MUSTARD…Green Spork….Gelatin mold with a heart. I scored!!!
Vintage Tupperware melts my heart… I know that plastic is not fantastic, but I am obsessed. Yesterday I picked up a few pieces at the recycled house good store. I spent a little too much time shuffling around shelves, filled a basket them narrowed it down to three pieces. I think an old lady died and all of her stuff went there….RIP and thanks for the goodies!
Blooming Christmas cactuses.. How can you not love these plants. I feel like mine aways bloom a week or two before everyone else's. I have seven and one is from 10 years ago. It's one of my very first house plants that I ever bought. Home Depot clearance rack for 50 cents… I also love Home Depot clearance plant rack
Citrus fruit.. Grapefruits, navels, clementines oh my.
The first snow……
Washer seeing the first snow….He is a snow dog and once the white stuff starts to pile up, he'll be swimming in it. It some funny shit.
When my lover leaves for the weekend. I cleaned the holy hell out of my house. I left the toilet seat down and it stayed down. Had our car all to myself and ate dinner on the couch with a book and the computer…Yes. that is a gigantic bag of spinach..Dont judge.
When My lover comes home from being gone for the weekend. Even my food was missing him.
This Brick wall at the YMCA. I bike there every morning and lately I have been hitting the sun just right and seeing the greatest shadows. That;s my bike.
A finished knitting project!! I started this hat a few weeks ago for one of my sisters littles….I then proceeded to start a few other projects and forgot about it. After a few days of freezing cold weather and a sister who kindly reminded me that my nieces ears were about to freeze off for lack of hat, I went along and finished it for her. I know, I am the best aunt.
Lentils..The most perfect food.
There you have it…A bit of my happiness.